EndNote Web is the online component to EndNote, the desktop product you have installed on your own computers. Go to www.myendnoteweb.com to create your login and start using EndNote Web. With EndNote Web, you can perform many of the same functions that the desktop product offers, such as
You will find instructions on using these features on the other tabs of this guide.
EndNote can synchronize an unlimited number of references and 5,000 groups between an EndNote online and desktop library. It is advisable to create a compressed library for backup before you begin the sync process. Go to the File menu and select Compress Library.
To synchronize your library:
Changes will be made to EndNote Web the next time you login or refresh the page.
Additional Info:
EndNote is best used as a software with the Microsoft Word App/Desktop Version. To use EndNote most effectively, we recommend:
Begin a document in Word online in OneDrive ​
Close the online document and open it in the Word App/Desktop version on your desktop​
Use the Word App/Desktop version to utilize EndNote's Cite While You Write feature