To create a new EndNote Library:
1. Open EndNote
2. Select File and New. Before saving, rename your library something other than "MyEndnote Library" in case you want to share it with someone. It could be something like "Jane's EndNote Library." Save your library to your computer's hard drive.
Tip: When you create an EndNote Library, two files are created. The .enl file is your EndNote Library. The .Data files stores your PDFs. These two files must stay together in the same folder.
Tip: Although you can create as many EndNote Libraries as you want, you can only sync and share one of them. It is best to use only one library if you want all your references available on all your computers, online, and on your iPad. Then, use groups to organize the library into categories.
Set your preferences to retrieve full text documents for your EndNote references.
Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text
Edit > Preferences > URLs & Links
NOTE: This feature cannot find full text for every Endnote reference.
EndNote is best used as a software with the Microsoft Word App/Desktop Version. To use EndNote most effectively, we recommend:
Begin a document in Word online in OneDrive ​
Close the online document and open it in the Word App/Desktop version on your desktop​
Use the Word App/Desktop version to utilize EndNote's Cite While You Write feature