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Finding Images: Citation and Attribution

A guide to finding and using images and visual resources!

MLA Citations

APA Citations

Chicago/Turabian Citations

When Do I Cite or Attribute Images?

Whenever you use an an image in a educational work, you need a to give credit to the image’s creator by  citing or attributing that image (just like you would with a article or book).

Citations with ARTstor

One of the many benefits of using a database for research (including image research) is easy citation. See the GIF below for a demonstration of ARTstor's citation generation feature. Remember to always double check any citations created by citation tools!

GIF courtesy of the ARTstor Blog.

What's Attribution?

Attribution is a way of crediting a work without using a specific publication style (like MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian). Any images for presentations, papers, or other formats that do not require a specific publication style should be attributed.

Include the following information (if available):

The creator, title,  year created, medium, institution that houses the work, date the work was retrieved, the website from which the work was retrieved (a hyperlink if the format allows).