The library's databases offer a wealth of information for you to share with your students. If you'd like to add a link to a specific article in your syllabus or in a Canvas course, please feel free to do so. The instructions on this page will help you, and if you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Courtney Fuson or Brittany Mountford.
If you've located something (a book, journal, or even an article) using the library's search box that you'd like to share with your students, you can do that quickly and easily. This may be the easiest way to share a link to an item with your students.
Once you've located the item you'd like to share, click on the title in the list of your search results.
This will bring up more information about the item as well as some options for what you can do with it. You should see an option to show the Permalink.
Click on Permalink and then click on "Copy to Clipboard" to copy the link to your computer's clipboard. You can now paste it into Canvas, an email, or anywhere else you'd like to share it with your students.
Many of the library's major databases are provided by EBSCOHost. This includes databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Complete, ATLA Religion Database, CINAHL Complete, Education Source, MEDLINE Ultimate, PscyINFO & PsycARTICLES, SocINDEX, and many others.
In order to provide a link to a particular article in one of these databases, search for articles as you normally would. When you find an article you'd like to share:
1. Click on the Share button in the upper right-hand corner.
2. A box will appear with sharing options. Click on "Create link."
3. Copy this link and paste it wherever you'd like your students to have access to it. This link will work for both on and off campus users.
Perform a search in JSTOR and find an article/image you'd like to share. To link to a particular item in JSTOR, you'll need to use the Stable URL that is located in the upper left-hand corner underneath the item title. Before you share this link with your students, you'll need to add something to make it work from off-campus.
Paste the link you'd like to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
(Click on the photo to enlarge it)
To link to a particular article in LexisNexis, search for the article as you normally would. When you find one you'd like to share, click on the Actions link to the right of the document title. (It may be hidden by the Google Translate options). Then click "Link to this page"
This will bring up a box with the direct URL to the article in it for you to copy. Before you share this link with your students, you'll need to add something to make it work from off-campus.
Paste the link where you'd like to use it and add to the beginning. For the example in the photo, the updated url would read: This ensures that students will be required to log-in if they are off-campus. On-campus students will not be affected.
(Click on the photo to enlarge it)
To link to articles in an Ovid database, you'll need to use the Email jumpstart tool at the top of the screen. When you click Email jumpstart, a small box will appear with a URL in it. This is the direct URL to your article. Paste the link you'd like to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
To provide a link to an article from Project Muse, simply search for articles as you normally would. When you find an article you'd like to share, copy the URL. Before you share this link with your students, you'll need to add something to make it work from off-campus.
Paste the link you'd like to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
(Click on the photo to enlarge it)
To provide a link to an article from a ProQuest database, simply search for articles as you normally would. When you find an article you'd like to share, click on the Cite tool in the circles next to the article.
Locate the article link within the citation (MLA, APA, and Chicago are useful citation styles for generating a link). Copy this link and paste it wherever you'd like your students to have access to it. This link should work both on and off campus.
(Click on the photo to enlarge it)
To provide a link to an article from Science Direct, simply search for articles as you normally would. When you find an article you'd like to share, use the URL in the address bar to share it with your students. Before you share this link with your students, you'll need to add something to make it work from off-campus.
Paste the link you'd like to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
(Click on the photo to enlarge it)
The Tennessee Electronic Library is a free resource available to the residents of the state of Tennessee. It encompasses a wide variety of databases and topics. If you'd like to link to an article from these databases, simply search for the article as you normally would.
When you find an article you'd like to share, click on Get Link near printer button in the upper right-hand corner. This will bring up a small screen with the URL. Before you share this link with your students, you'll need to add something to make it work from off-campus.
Paste the link you'd like to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
(Click on the photo to enlarge it)