The library's databases offer a variety of streaming media options for you to share with your students. If you'd like to add a link to a specific video to your syllabus or Canvas, please feel free to do so. The instructions on this page will help you, and if you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Courtney Fuson or Brittany Mountford.
Please note that many of our streaming sources will no longer work in Internet Explorer. Please use either Firefox or Chrome to access these resources.
Alexander Street Press provides much of our streaming video content, including content found in Classical Music in Video, Dance in Video, Opera in Video, and Psychological Experiments Online. To link to Alexander Street Press, find the video that you want to use and copy the URL in the address bar of your browser. Paste the link you want to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
To link to a video in the ICE Learning Center, find the video that you want to use and copy the URL in the address bar of your browser. Paste the link you want to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
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To link to a video in the JoVE, find the video that you want to use and copy the URL in the address bar of your browser. Paste the link you want to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
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If you'd rather embed the video somewhere, click on Embed Video above the linking icon. This will take you to a separate screen that will allow you to choose the information you want to include with your embedded video. When you have everything set the way you want, use the Copy Embed Code button to copy the code to embed a video player into a web page.
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To use a video from Kanopy, you have two options: Embed or Share. Both are found using the Share button under the video that you'd like to use. Once you click on the Share button, you can choose whether you'd like a link or the information necessary to embed the video somewhere.
If you'd like the link, choose the Share option and copy the Share link that appears on the screen. This link will share the video with your on and off-campus students.
If you'd like the Embed option, choose Embed and copy the code that appears in the box.
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To link to a video in MetOpera, find the video that you would like to link to and copy the URL in the address bar of your browser. Paste the link you want to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
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To link to a video in Naxos, find the video that you want to use and copy the URL in the address bar of your browser. Paste the link you want to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
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To link to a video in, find the video that you want to use and copy the URL in the address bar of your browser. Paste the link you want to use into the OpenAthens Link Generator. Copy the OpenAthens generated link and share with your students.
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To link to a video in Swank, navigate to the video that you would like to use. Click on the "Share: Copy Link" button and share that link with your students.