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Scholarly Research Impact

Journal Rankings in Scopus

Scopus journal ranking functionality includes the following:   

  • Rank of all titles included in the index can be found by navigating to the "Sources" link in the top right of the interface.
  • Rank of titles by discipline can be found by navigating to the full source list as described above, then choose "Subject" from the drop down menu in the middle of the page and search for the discipline of interest. 
  • Journal Comparison Tool is found through the advanced search and can be used to compare up to 10 titles according to either the CiteScore, SJR, or SNIP metric.

Journal Rankings in Google Scholar

The Google Scholar Journal Ranking List uses the h5-index which is similar to the h-index author metric. Use the "Categories" drop down menu to filter by discipline.

H5-index "is the largest number h such that h articles published in [the past 5 years] have at least h citations each". Thus, an H5-index of 60 means that that journal has published 60 articles in the previous 5 years that have 60 or more citations each.

H5-median is based on H5-index, but instead measures the median (or middle) value of citations for the h number of citations. A journal with an H5-index of 60 and H5-median of 75 means that, of the 60 articles with 60 or more citations, the median of those citation values is 75.