Author Profiles are integral to measuring impact and disseminating your creative and academic works.
TheBelmont Digital Repository provides author-level metrics through the author dashboard and monthly email updates. Metrics include readership distribution by institution and geographic location, downloads, page hits, and a PlumX snapshot that includes alternative metrics. Example Author Dashboard: Claire Wiley
Scopusauthor profiles showcase a scholar's works that are indexed in the Scopus database. Coverage in the Scopus database is predominantly in the areas of sciences, medicine, and some social sciences. Author metrics include h-index and information about overall collaborations. Create an account in order to request edits to your author profile.
Google Scholar profiles are simple to set up and feature five-year h-index metrics and h-median metrics. The h-index is a common author-level metric designed to measure research quality over time. Coverage of publications in Google Scholar includes a 'substantial fraction of scholarly articles published' but the exact scope is unknown. Given the broad scope of coverage, the h-index in Google Scholar is typically much higher than in Scopus.
This free resource, powered by Overton and Sage, allows researchers to track their impact on policy. Create a free account and plug in your ORCID ID to see your profile with any policy citations or mentions listed.