What is changing?
EBSCO is updating the user interface for all their hosted databases. The new interface is more streamlined and will come with a personalized dashboard for each user.
How do I know if a database I use regularly is hosted by EBSCO?
You can find a list of all EBSCO hosted databases here.
What is staying the same?
There is no change to the content hosted in each database. The homepage for each database will look different, but the functionality of the search boxes is the same.
What if I have a personal account for an EBSCO database and have articles and other resources saved in folders?
You will be able to merge your personal EBSCO account with the new account created for you by EBSCO (Linking Guide). Your previously saved resources will then be accessible through the new user dashboard.
What does this mean for faculty?
Any links you used previously in Canvas, assignment sheets, emails, documents, etc. will no longer work. They will need to be updated after the new interface is implemented (Linking Guide).
What does this mean for students?
Any library links you may have previously shared in a document or email will no longer work. They will need to be updated after the new interface is implemented (Linking Guide).
What does the new interface look like?
You can watch the following video for more information about the upgrades and how to use the new interface: