To search the Library Catalog for commentaries you can check out - do a keyword search for the name of your Bible book and the word "commentary." Look for items located on the First Floor or request items in Closed Stacks from the Information Desk.
Single book commentaries published by Abingdon are listed in the catalog by book title. Search for Abingdon commentary.
General works about the Bible
Dictionaries. Glossaries. Encyclopedias.
History and theory of Bible translations
Commentaries by language and time period
Criticism and interpretation
The "Ministry Matters" database includes the New Interpreter's Bible and the Abingdon series of commentaries on the Old and New Testaments. Click on the link below to access these.
FYI : Since Ministry Matters sources do not have page numbers, cite the section or chapter you consulted. You will also have to note that you got the source from Ministry Matters.
The citation will look something like this:
Day, Linda M. “Introduction.” In Esther. Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries. Nashville: Abingdon, 2005. Ministry Matters edition.
For more details, please see what the Chicago Manual of Style has to say.
The following Bible commentaries may be found in the Reference section of the library, on the first floor. Please ask at the Information Desk if you need assistance.
Abingdon Bible Commentary (1929) - a single volume
Ref BS491.E5
Anchor Bible Series: includes the books of the Old and New Testaments, plus the Apocrypha. Each book gives the text, detailed notes on the language and linguistics, and commentary on the text.
Ref BS192.2.A1 1964 G3
Broadman Bible Commentary (1971) - 11 volumes
Ref BS491.2.B67
BS491.2.B67 - on First Floor
HarperCollins Bible Commentary - a single volume
Ref BS491.2.H37 2000
Harper's Bible Commentary - a single volume
Ref BS491.2.H37 1988
Interpreter's Bible: the Holy Scriptures in the King James and Revised Standard versions with general articles and introduction, exegesis, exposition for each book of the Bible (1957) - 12 volumes
Ref BS491.2.I55
Interpreter's One Volume Commentary on the Bible (1971)
Ref BS491.2.I57
New Interpreter's Bible: general articles & introduction, commentary, & reflections for each book of the Bible, including the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books - 12 volumes + index
Ref BS491.2.N484 1994
BS491.2.N484 1994 - on First Floor
Wycliffe Bible Commentary (1962) - a single volume
Ref BS491.2.P4
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary - 4 volumes
Ref BS2341.52.Z66 2002