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Education PhD Resources: Books


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Recent Additions

To view titles that have been added to the library's collection for Education, please use the link below!

Library of Congress Call Numbers

Print books on Education can be found in the L section, located on the third floor of the library.

More specific areas include:

LA - History of Education

LB - Theory and Practice of Education

LB 1705-2886 - Education and Training of Teachers and Administrators

LB 1775-1758 - Professional aspects of teaching and school administrators

LB 2801-3095 - School administration and organization

LC 65-245 - Social aspects of Education

LC 189-214 - Educational Sociology

LC 215-238 - Community and the school

A complete listing is available from the Library of Congress

Ebooks are available through OneSearch.  After you enter your search terms, use the filters on the left to limit results by Availability to "Full Text Online" and by Resource Type to "Books".  If either of those filters is not available, that's because nothing in your search matches those criteria.

Ebook Collections

You can also search some of our ebook collections directly if you prefer.  The major ebook collections that have Education content are listed below.

Subject Headings

The subject headings listed below may be useful in searching the library's resources.  Click on the link to see the books and ebooks that the library has on that subject.  Articles are not included in these searches.

Education -- research

Educational change (works on alterations of the scope of the total educational endeavor, including modification of curricula, teaching methods, enrollment patterns, etc.  Used for education reform, educational reform, school reform)

Educational equalization (used for educational equality, educational equity, educational inequality, equal educational opportunity, equality of education)

Educational innovations

Educational law and legislation

Educational leadership

Educational psychology (works on the nature and operation of the human learning process.  The application of psychology in the school setting is under School psychology)

Educational technology (used for instructional technology, technology in education)

School management and organization (used for school administration)

School administrators