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Library Resources in Canvas



The Library Resources tool in Canvas allows you to add easily customized library content to your course page. Want to direct students to the library for their research needs? Or have your students contact librarians for their research help expertise? The Library Resources tool can help you do both of these things.

screenshot of the Library Resources tool

The Library Resources tool page has the following information:

  • A link to a library Research Guide, if one is available for this discipline.
  • A link to a Database List. This list will be filtered to the appropriate subject (such as Business or Music) if that's available for the discipline.
  • An Appointment Scheduler, so that students can easily make an appointment for research help. 
  • Today's Library Hours, which include the building's hours as well as hours for chat assistance. 
  • A Chat Box, so that students can instant message librarians for research help right from their Canvas course page. 
  • A list of Subject Librarians, if one is available for this discipline.

To access the Library Resources page, students simply click on the Library Resources link in the course navigation.

Add the Link in Canvas

The Library Resources link appears in every Canvas that isn't using a template. If you don't see the Library Resources link and want to add it, simply click on settings in the course, then navigation, and drag the Library Resources link into your navigation. Watch the video below to see adding the link in action!