Scopus allows the creation of email alerts and RSS to keep you up to date with the latest citations and abstracts. You can create a Search Alert, a Document Citation Alert, or an Author Citation or New Document Alert.
To create Alerts, you need to register for a personal account. There is no limit on the number of alerts you can create.
Saved searches will be updated in Scopus, but you can also set up email alerts for new documents in Scopus that match any search you create. You can create a search alert from the Search History page, the Search Results page, and the My Settings page.
How to Create a Search Alert
Be alerted by email every time a selected document is cited on Scopus. You can creat a Document Citation Alert from the Documents Display page and the My Alerts page. Note: Non-Scopus citations derived from Scopus references are not included.
How to Create a Document Citation Alert
1. Select the document.
2. From the Scopus Abstract screen on the right you will see a box that shows the amount of times this particular paper has been cited in Scopus. To be notified when the paper receives additional citations select the Set Alert button.
Be notified by email when an author is cited on Scopus. You can creat an Author Citation Alert on the Author Details page and from the Cited by information.
How to Create an Author Citation Alert
1. Select the author from either the search or the abstract screens.
2. From the author profile screen, there are several places to create new two kinds of alerts.