The reference collection is on the first floor of the library, along the east wall behind the pods of computers. You can find a number of reference works containing biographical information in the CT call number section - this is on the front row of bookshelves.
Here are a few suggestions:
American National Biography Ref CT 213.A68
- People of significance within the United States or whose lives influenced the course of American history
- Subjects died prior to 1996
- Categories include art, business, education, law, literature, medicine, performing arts, politics, religion, science and technology, social reform, and sports
Current Biography Ref CT 100.C8
- Living leaders in all fields of human accomplishment
- Published monthly in magazine format for the current year
- Past years in yearbook format, containing indexes by profession
Great Lives from History Ref CT 120.G69
- Individuals whose lives, careers and achievements have been significant, from ancient to modern times
- Various series including American, American women, Ancient and Medieval, British and Commonwealth, Renaissance to 1900, Twentieth Century