A unique collection of 74 scenes from plays by minority playwrights designed to make students aware of cultural diversity in American Theatre. Providing a stepping stone to the study of minority writing, the book presents a variety of scenes for acting and directing practice. Instead of isolated cuttings from a large number of plays, a number of scenes from single plays are included.
Call Number: PS627 .M5 G65 1997
No Safe Spaces opens up a conversation beyond narrow polemics. Although cross-racial casting has been the topic of heated discussion, little sustained scholarship addresses both the historical precedents and theoretical dimensions. Pao illustrates the tensions and contradictions inherent not only in stage representations, but also in the performance of race in everyday life.
Call Number: PN2293 .C38 P36 2010
The essays in Upstaging Big Daddy: Directing Theater as if Gender and Race Matter argue that directing, as it has been taught and handed down over the years, has worked in the service of a body of dramatic literature that has routinely minimized or distorted the lives of women, people of color, gay men, and lesbians. The book’s contributors see directing not as an ideologically neutral set of skills, but as something that has served historically to preserve existing forms of authority.
Call Number: PN2270. F45 U68 1993
This edition of the The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre: Europe covers theatre since World War II in forty-seven European nations, including the nations which re-emerged following the break-up of the former USSR, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Each national article is divided into twelve sections - History, Structure of the National Theatre Community, Artistic profile, Music Theatre, Theatre for Young Audiences, Puppet Theatre, Design, Theatre, Space and Architecture, Training, Criticism, Scholarship and Publishing and Further Reading - allowing the reader to use the book as a source for both area and subject studies.
Call Number: PN1861 .W67 2001
This guide is designed to help you start your research in the area of in diversity, inclusion, and equity in theatre and dance. This is not an all-encompassing guide to diversity in theatre and dance, but rather a list of resources that can help start the scholarly conversation.