Sample Question (Scoping Review): What are the various strategies that have been used to engage patients and families in pediatric health research?
Sample Article (Scoping Review): Flynn R, Walton S, Scott SD. Engaging children and families in pediatric health research: a scoping review. Res Involv Engagem. 2019 Nov;5(32).
Sample Question (Mapping Review): Why do patients with ‘primary care sensitive’ problems seek help from ambulance services?
Sample Article (Mapping Review): Booker, Matthew J., Ali R. G. Shaw, and Sarah Purdy. Why do Patients with 'Primary Care Sensitive' Problems Access Ambulance Services? A Systematic Mapping Review of the Literature. BMJ Open 2015, 5.5.
Resources for starting a scoping review:
Sample Question: What factors are associated with major depression and suicide risk among nursing professionals?
Sample Article: Silva, Tavares, N. V. da S., Alexandre, A. R. G., Freitas, D. A., Brêda, M. Z., Albuquerque, M. C. D. S. de, & Melo, V. L. de N. (2015). Depression and suicide risk among nursing professionals: an integrative review. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P, 49(6), 1027–1031.
Resources for starting in integrative review:
Sample Question: Are digital contact tracing technologies effective during infectious disease outbreaks?
Sample Article: Anglemyer A, Moore THM, Parker L, Chambers T, Grady A, Chiu K, Parry M, Wilczynska M, Flemyng E, Bero L. Digital contact tracing technologies in epidemics: a rapid review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD013699.
Resources for starting a rapid review:
Sample Question: What is the global COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rate, and what factors determine that acceptance rate?
Sample Article: Abate BB, Tilahun BD, Yayeh BM. Global COVID-19 vaccine acceptance level and its determinants: an umbrella review. BMC Public Health. 2024 Jan 2;24(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-17497-4.
Resources for starting an umbrella review:
Fifty Shades of Review with Andrew Booth (2016) - a recorded webinar and resource toolkit
Grant, M.J., & Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 different review types and associated methodologies. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 26: 91-108. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-1842.2009.00848.x