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Information Literacy at Belmont: FYW

Belmont's Information Literacy program. Information for faculty.

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

From ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries), theFramework informs our Info Lit program. 

For FYW, we will focus on 2 threshold concepts from the Framework:

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Research as Inquiry


First Year Writing (Eng 1010)

Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Conduct background research and brainstorming to focus a topic, develop keywords, and generate an appropriate research question

2. Use subject headings to refine and focus searches

3. Conduct a search in a general library database using multiple search boxes and available limiters to locate relevant information sources

4. Identify the reasons that an initial search may not be successful and revise appropriately

Curriculum: Keyword vs. subject searching, Boolean, results list records, search fields and limiters, finding full text

Assessment: In-class observation, in-class activity worksheet, follow up assignment to be completed after class and assessed with a rubric

Teaching the Process of Research: Assignment Suggestions

Include background reading as part of a formal assignment.

Require students to keep a search log of keywords used, sources consulted, and reflections on how they revised their search based on results.

Suggested follow-up assignment to the FYW information literacy session:

Subject Guide

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Jenny Mills