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Digital Humanities at Belmont: Web Tools


In addition to utilizing coding languages like HTML/CSS, Python or XML in order to study/teach in the humanities, there are also a number of web-based tools you can use! Below is a small sampling of some common DH tools.

Additional Tool Lists

Want to explore even more tools? Check out some of the linked DH tool directories below. 

Working with Text

Voyant Tools

"Voyant Tools is a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts." It's easy to use and has a ton of practical applications. Click here to get started with using Voyant Tools. If you have questions about Voyant Tools or need help, check out their documentation here.


Constellate, from ITHAKA/JSTOR, is a platform for teaching, learning, and performing text analysis using the world’s leading archival repositories of scholarly and primary source content. Help and tutorials can be found here. 

Making a Map


StoryMap is an open-source storytelling tool. With StoryMap, students can embed a variety of media into a map, including pictures, video and audio. Check out some interesting examples of StoryMap in action here. For more information on using StoryMap check out their documentation here


Palladio is a web-based tool for visualizing complex historical data using maps, network graphs, and other forms of reading and analyzing data. Here's one example of a DH project that utilized Palladio. For more information on using Palladio check out their documentation here


Timeline JS

TimelineJS is an open-source tool that enables anyone to build visually rich, interactive timelines. Beginners can create a timeline using nothing more than a Google spreadsheet. Some examples of timelines can be found here, and documentation and help can be found here