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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): Home

Bunch Library resources and services to support faculty SoTL projects

SoTL Resources at Bunch Library

Welcome to the SoTL LibGuide! The purpose of this guide is to gather SoTL resources at Belmont and Bunch Library so that faculty will have a starting place for their SoTL projects. The Belmont Teaching Center and Bunch Library are here to help, so please don't hesitate to ask questions!

Other SoTL Sites to Explore

Professional Organizations for SoTL

What is SoTL?

There are many definitions, but one that is widely quoted is from Shulman, 

     "The scholarship of teaching and learning invites view teaching as serious, intellectual work, ask good questions about their students' learning, seek evidence in their classrooms that can be used to improve practice, and make this work public so that others can critique it, build on it, and contribute to the wider teaching commons." 

Hatch, Thomas, Melissa Eiler White, and Lee S. Shulman. Into the Classroom: Developing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006. 

Key Characteristics of SoTL

The first of a 14-video series on SoTL from Elon University's Center for Engaged Learning. 

Others that may interest include a 5-video series, Lee Shulman on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 

Intro to SoTL Readings


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Claire Walker Wiley
Suite 308, 3rd Floor, Bunch Library