Hello FYS faculty!
This is a digital handout explaining the library's instruction plan and services for FYS in Fall 2023. There are some quick links to the relevant services in the menu on the left.
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Fox at nicole.fox@belmont.edu.
This year, the Lila D. Bunch Library is pleased to offer a two-part library instruction unit that can be added easily to any FYS class - no matter what your schedule is like!
What is it?
What is it?
You can customize this instruction to best suit you and your class's needs. If you're not sure what to assign, the Library recommends:
So where do students find everything: the tutorial, the calendar of Rock Your Research events, information on how to get credit for attending events, the FYS movies, etc?
Simple: they just need to check out the Library Research Hub! Every student in FYS will also be enrolled in the Library Research Hub. Just ask your students to refer to the Hub for the tutorial and other library resources.
What is it?
The FYS Movies have been added to a list in Leganto, the library's brand new digital course reserves platform. The list is available here if you want to add a link to your course. You can also search for the list in Leganto from your course, or simply refer students to the Library Research Hub.