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Nursing resource guide

Reading and Evaluating Journal Articles

There are many different ways to read and evaluate journal articles. Your professors or mentors may have specific methods they want you to use. You can also find strategies online, including the REACT method, outlined below. Here are some other resources for reading journal articles:

Evaluating a Journal Article Using REACT

Evaluating a Journal Article Using REACT (Accessible Version)


REACTing to Journal Articles
What to Look For What to Ask Yourself Where You'll Find It
Relevance Does this article relate to my research? Does it help answer my question? Does it provide a differing opinion to my argument or hypothesis? Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion
Expertise Who wrote this article? Are they an expert? Are there any areas of expertise missing? Author Information, Abstract
Approach How was this article/study done? What was the population? Does the population make sense? What type of study is it? Methods, Results
Clarity Are the results and conclusions clear? Are the conclusions generalizable to a wider population, or if they aren’t generalizable, is that clearly stated? Results, Discussion, Conclusion
Transparency Are any biases, limitations, funding sources, or conflicts of interest clearly noted? Author Information, Discussion, Endnotes