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Belmont Digital Repository Submission Guide: Home

Instructions for authors on how to submit their work to the Belmont Digital Repository


This guide contains instructions for authors on how to submit their work to the Belmont Digital Repository (BDR).

Instructions for submitting SPARK abstracts are here.

Instructions for submitting DNP Scholarly Projects are here.

Quick Links

Submission Video Tutorial

Submssion Written Instructions

If you are submitting your abstract for BURS or SURS, please follow the instructions linked here.

To submit your thesis to the Belmont Digital Repositry

  1. Go to the Belmont Digital Repository
  2. Click My Account and sign in with your MyBelmont credentials
  3. From the BDR homepage, click Submit Research on the lefthand side under Resources
  4. Choose your area of study
  5. Read the Submission Agreement and ensure you have your thesis and supplementary materials ready to submit (including your signed copy of the university's Distribution Agreement)
  6. Check Agree and click Continue
  7. Fill in the appropriate metadata
    1. Associating your email address with your project can facilitate scholarly communications between you and other members of your field of study; however, if you do not want your email to be public, you may leave it off. if you do leave it off, however, Bepress will not be able to send you statistics for your thesis.
    2. Type in Belmont University as your Institution
    3. an Abstract (or some facsimile thereof) is required
    4. You may choose as few or as many Disciplines as you desire. Your thesis gets pushed into other subject-specific repositories according to its discipline(s).
    5. If you DO NOT WANT YOUR THESIS PUBLICLY VIEWABLE ONLINE please select the Metadata Only Doctype dropdown. This will ensure Belmont gets your thesis, but no one will be able to view your project. A record of your project will be public and searchable, but, again, your project itself will be hidden.
    6. You may leave Recommended Citation blank
  8. Click Upload File from your computer and select your thesis file
  9. Check the Additional Files box
  10. At the Upload Supplemental Content screen, click Browse and upload any supplemental files e.g. images, graphs, videos, etc. that you would like associated with your project.
    1. If you DO NOT WANT THESE FILES PUBLICLY VIEWABLE ONLINE simply uncheck the Show box
  11. At the Upload Supplemental Content screen ATTACH YOUR SIGNED DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT
  12. Uncheck the Show box next to your signed agreement
  13. Click Continue, and that's it!

To make any revisions:

  1. Go to the BDR homepage and click My Account
  2. Click the title of your thesis
  3. This will take you to the revisions screen

If you need further assistance, please contact Chuck Hodgin.

SPARK/SURS Instructions

  1. Go to the Belmont Digital Repository
  2. Click My Account and sign in with your MyBelmont credentials
  3. From the BDR homepage, click Submit Research on the left hand side under Resources
  4. Under the Special Events heading, choose SPARK or SURS
  5. Read the Submission Agreement and ensure you have your abstract ready to submit
    1. If you intend to submit your full manuscript or presentation, you will need to submit your signed copy of the university's Distribution Agreement either now or when you append your file to this abstract submission.
  6. Check Agree and click Continue
  7. Fill in the appropriate metadata
    1. Associating your email address with your project can facilitate scholarly communications between you and other members of your field of study; however, if you do not want your email to be public, you may leave it off. if you do leave it off, however, Bepress will not be able to send you statistics for your thesis.
    2. Type in Belmont University as your Institution
    3. Filling in the Abstract field is required
    4. You may choose as few or as many Disciplines as you desire. Your thesis gets pushed into other subject-specific repositories according to its discipline(s).
  8. As long as you fill in the Summary field, you can complete your submission.
    1. You may choose to upload your Summary as a PDF file or a Video if you wish, but you must also paste its text into the Summary text field.
  9. If you want to add your Distribution Agreement at this stage, check the Additional Files box.
  10. Click Submit
  11. If you checked the Additional Files box, you will be taken to a screen in which you will upload your Distribution Agreement.
  12. Browse, select your signed agreement file, and uncheck the box marked Show
  13. Click Submit
  14. We will contact your Faculty Advisor to ensure they do not require any additions or alterations to your abstract submission, so you may be contacted by either the library or your Faculty Advisor and asked to revise your submission.

To make any revisions:

  1. Go to the BDR homepage and click My Account
  2. Click the title of your submission
  3. This will take you to the revisions screen
  4. Once the deadline for submissions has past, you will be limited in the edits you will be able to make yourself.
  5. If you wish to attach your full manuscript or presentation after the submission deadline, you will need to send it to Chuck Hodgin..

If you need further assistance with any phase of this process, please contact Chuck Hodgin.

DNP Scholarly Project Instructions

  1. Go to the Belmont Digital Repository
  2. Click My Account and sign in with your MyBelmont credentials
  3. From the BDR homepage, click Submit Research on the left hand side under Resources
  4. Under the College of Nursing heading, choose DNP Scholarly Projects
  5. Read the Submission Agreement and ensure you have your abstract ready to submit
    1. If you intend to submit your full manuscript or presentation, you will need to submit your signed copy of the university's Distribution Agreement either now or when you append your file to this abstract submission.
  6. Check Agree and click Continue
  7. If you are submitting a video recording as your primary file along with a poster, continue with Step 8, if you are submitting a paper as your primary file along with a poster, skip to Step 9, if you are submitting a poster only, skip to Step 10
  8. Fill in the appropriate metadata
    1. Associating your email address with your project can facilitate scholarly communications between you and other members of your field of study; however, if you do not want your email to be public, you may leave it off. If you leave it off, however, Bepress will not be able to send you statistics for your thesis.
    2. Type in Belmont University as your Institution
    3. Filling in the Abstract field is required
    4. Select No Embargo period
    5. Fill in your Advisors, Team Members, Department and College
    6. Choose Scholarly Project as the Document Type
    7. Insert your keywords, separated by a semi-colon, with no spaces
    8. You may choose as few or as many Disciplines as you desire. Your thesis gets pushed into other subject-specific repositories according to its discipline(s)
    9. Select your video file
    10. Check the Additional Files Box
    11. When you click submit, DO NOT navigate away from the page. It may take some time to upload your full video file, so be sure you're on a computer with a good connection.
    12. You will be sent to the Additional Files screen. Select your poster file (in PDF format) and fill in the description box.
    13. Attach your signed Distribution Agreement here as well
    14. That's the final step!
  9. Fill in the appropriate metadata
    1. Associating your email address with your project can facilitate scholarly communications between you and other members of your field of study; however, if you do not want your email to be public, you may leave it off. If you leave it off, however, Bepress will not be able to send you statistics for your thesis.
    2. Type in Belmont University as your Institution
    3. Filling in the Abstract field is required
    4. Select No Embargo period
    5. Fill in your Advisors, Team Members, Department and College
    6. Choose Scholarly Project as the Document Type
    7. Insert your keywords, separated by a semi-colon, with no spaces
    8. You may choose as few or as many Disciplines as you desire. Your thesis gets pushed into other subject-specific repositories according to its discipline(s)
    9. Select your PDF document file
    10. Check the Additional Files Box and click submit
    11. You will be sent to the Additional Files screen. Select your poster file (in PDF format) and fill in the description box.
    12. Attach your signed Distribution Agreement here as well
    13. That's the final step!
  10. Fill in the appropriate metadata
    1. Associating your email address with your project can facilitate scholarly communications between you and other members of your field of study; however, if you do not want your email to be public, you may leave it off. If you leave it off, however, Bepress will not be able to send you statistics for your thesis.
    2. Type in Belmont University as your Institution
    3. Filling in the Abstract field is required
    4. Select No Embargo period
    5. Fill in your Advisors, Team Members, Department and College
    6. Choose Scholarly Project as the Document Type
    7. Insert your keywords, separated by a semi-colon, with no spaces
    8. You may choose as few or as many Disciplines as you desire. Your thesis gets pushed into other subject-specific repositories according to its discipline(s)
    9. Select your poster PDF file
    10. Check the Additional Files Box and click submit
    11. You will be sent to the Additional Files screen. Attach your signed Distribution Agreement here
    12. Email Chuck Hodgin to let him know you have submitted a DNP Scholarly Project with the poster as the primary file. He will create an Issu embed of your poster in the record, once you've submitted it.
    13. That is the final step!
    14. If you need further assistance with the process or have questions, please contact Chuck Hodgin.

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Chuck Hodgin